
SEI Consultants on Navigating the Fall Transition

Aug 29, 2022   |   By Anuja Agnihotri

When the weather gets cooler and the kids are back in school — we all know that summer is coming to a close. But why be sad about the end of the season when fall can be just as eventful and exciting? The colors of the leaves changing, Halloween night, pumpkin patches…the list is practically endless!

Transitioning from summer to fall is different for everyone. Some people move into being active participants in their children’s school activities, while some people are physically moving and starting new adventures! Fall is just another time when big things happen at SEI, so we talked to two of our fellow SEIers (Ann Hill Moore from SEI Services and Mark Beck from SEI Cincinnati) to share what they are excited about the fall season and how they navigate any bumps in the road that come with it.

What’s your “big thing” for this fall?

Ann Hill: I recently moved to New York, and even after being here for a couple of months, everything still feels brand new. There’s so much more to explore, and it’s been a lot of fun. One thing that’s been great about this adventure is that SEI has been super supportive of my move; I experienced no pushback whatsoever. After being in Washington, D.C., for three years, I’ve been welcomed by the New York office with open arms and am always invited to join them in their activities. I now have more in-person interactions with the NYC team, insight into their projects, and active COP-related (Communities of Practice) work, allowing me to craft better campaigns.

Mark: My wife and I have spent our entire lives in the Midwest, and we wanted to relocate to somewhere with a warmer climate. When our son Andrew started looking at colleges, we decided to use the locations of those schools as the basis of our search. One of the areas he looked into was Phoenix, and after he took a tour of ASU’s engineering program last winter, he knew it was the place for him. When he was accepted in February, it put things in motion. For me, it was great because not only did our son find his dream program, but having a Phoenix office helped in our decision to move there. SEI has been nothing short of supportive throughout this process, so I have to thank Bill Gallagher, David Biederman, and Mark Retz for making this possible.

PHOTO: Mark Beck and his family with the moving truck just before leaving Northern Kentucky

What are you going to miss about the summer?

Ann Hill: I definitely won’t miss the bugs, but I will miss summer cocktails and easy access to Vitamin D from the sun. I’m a seasonal person, so I won’t be drinking those rum-based coconut-type drinks in the fall. But there are some fall-inspired cocktails waiting for me to try! I live next to the West Side Highway, so I’ll miss the warmth while going out for a run and exercising outside in general.

Mark: One of the things I’m going to miss is the Midwest summer with family and friends. The hardest thing to do was say goodbye to a place I’ve known my entire life, but it’s only a plane ride away. Our daughter Ashely is still in Cincinnati, and it’s going to be different not having her be a drive away from us. I’m also going to miss my SEI Cincinnati family! But this just means that I’ll make an effort to meet up with them in the office and at social events whenever I’m back in the Midwest. Even though there are so many things I’m going to miss, I don’t regret making this jump because this is a great opportunity to try something new.

What are you most excited about this fall?

Ann Hill: Of course, I’m excited for football to be back because it gives me something to constantly look forward to! I love the colors of fall and Halloween. I’m excited to be in New York when the leaves change. I hear the New York energy is high in the fall — it feels great before the cold of the winter arrives. Fall fashion is also really fun; I’m excited to start layering and wearing boots. Plus, I’ll need all the outfits I can get for the different upcoming trips I have this fall! I’m going to a few weddings as well as a trip to Nashville to see our SEI Nashville team. Hopefully, I can squeeze in a visit to the Ryman while I’m there.

PHOTO: Ann Hill Moore exploring a New York restaurant with her friend

Mark: Now that we’re moved in, I’m excited to meet people and socialize to get to know the landscape of things. I’m also excited to see my son go through his freshman year! It’s hard to believe that our youngest is moving out and going to college, but I’m excited to see him experience college life and grow into a well-rounded person. We’re definitely going to be integrated into the ASU parent life and go to events on campus while also learning about the area. I’m also really into outdoor activities, so finding new places to hike and bike is part of this new adventure.

Any advice on how to make the transition to fall as enjoyable as possible?

Ann Hill: My fall tip goes back to me being ‘seasonal’: keep things you love for certain times of the year. That way, you’ll have something to look forward to when the season ends! For example, I keep coconut rum cocktails, caprese salads, peonies, and Counting Crows in the summer. When fall comes around, I load up on sweet potatoes, add cinnamon to my coffee, drink darker beers, play more Neil Young, and light muskier scented candles. It sounds minor, but it makes me appreciate the smaller delights.

Mark: My biggest tip is to be adventurous. Set your mind and do it. If you want to try something, go do it. We’re going to give it 100% and see what happens from there. We don’t have a set agenda and will take it day-by-day and soak it in. If anyone else is in our shoes, follow your dream and go in open-minded.

Our SEIers have a lot of things coming up this fall, and we are excited to see how we close out the year! Stay tuned for more spotlights where we talk to other consultants about their passions, community engagement, and cultural holidays and observances.

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